Monday, June 6, 2011

First project of 2011-Paper Making

We had so much fun learning to make paper! There were some very beautiful and creative creations. Don't they look fantastic? First they picked colored construction paper from the scrap box and tore them into pieces. We put the paper in a blender with lots of water and ground it all up. Then we poured the mixture into the paper molds which were sitting in tubs of water. They added decorations. After that they had to lift the molds out of the water and remove the deckle. Then they tipped the mold upside down on a towel and squished the water out of the paper with a sponge. Then they removed the mold and let the paper dry. Each student will save one paper to use as a book cover next month when we learn how to bind a book. I really love how these turned out!

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